High Holidays 2023
Rosh Hashanah: Friday evening, Sep. 15 - Sun. Sep. 17
Yom Kippur: Sunday evening, Sep. 24 - Wed. Sep. 25
Erev Yom Kippur (Live Online)
Sunday Sep. 24 | 5PM EDT / 2PM PDT

JGSI Yom Kippur Alternative Service
Beverly Hills, California
Monday Sep. 25 | 3-4PM PDT
Advance Registration Required

Synagogue Connect
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Bored on High Holidays? Join your JGSI Family for quick, meaningful, relevant, and FREE Casual Services.

Erev Yom Kippur Zoom Service

Join current grad students and alumni from all over North America, members of the executive community, and friends of JGSI for a pre-Yom Kippur get-together featuring Kol Nidre prayers and inspiring talks from JGSI educators. Live online.

Yom Kippur Alternative Service

Join us in person at a private Beverly Hills location for quick prayers and discussion. Bring a friend, bring your family, come as you are, and it's free. Preregistration required.

PLUS, FREE Tickets to the Synagogue of Your Choice

JGSI is a proud partner and sponsor of Synagogue Connect, a truly global network of 1,200 synagogues in 31 countries, of all denominations, opening their doors to Jewish young adults 18-30 for High Holiday services with absolutely no requirement of membership affiliation. In-person and virtual options available.